There are literally millions of species of animals on the planet, so we challenge you to see how many of these animal trivia questions you can guess correctly. Do you have a favourite animal? Is it a zoo animal or an animal that lives in the ocean?
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Animal Trivia Questions Round 1
Which vertebrate has the longest lifespan?
Greenland sharks have the longest lifespan, with one being recorded to be over 400 years old
What baby animal did Moana rescue as a toddler in the film Moana?
Moana rescued a sea turtle
What is a male swan called?
A male swan is called a cob
The year of the what animal are you in the Chinese Zodiac when born in 1976?
The year of the dragon
What is the World’s smallest bat?
The Bumblebee bat is the World’s smallest bat

Animal Trivia Questions Round 2
What animal has the highest blood pressure?
Giraffes have the highest blood pressure
In Irish folklore, what animal is St. Patrick given the credit for for driving out of Ireland?
What bird of prey is also called a duck hawk?
A Peregrine Falcon is also called a duck hawk
What is the native animal of Australia?
The native animal of Australia is the Red Kangaroo
What animal is the closest living relative to humans?
Chimpanzees are the closest living relatives to humans

Animal Trivia Questions Round 3
True or False – Chipmunks hibernate in Winter?
This is TRUE
What colour is a Polar Bear’s skin?
A Polar Bear’s skin is black
What animal is the traditional Easter mascot?
A bunny is the traditional Easter mascot
What part of a Blue Whale can weigh the same as an elephant?
A Blue Whale’s tongue can weigh the same as an elephant
The National animal of Spain is what?
A Bull is the National animal of Spain

Animal Trivia Questions Round 4
Multiple Choice – World Animal Day takes place in which month of the year?
World Animal Day takes place on 4th October each year
What is another name for a Brazilian Wandering spider?
A Brazilian Wandering spider is also called a Banana spider
Which type of animal finds Ariel on the beach in The Little Mermaid?
Max the dog finds Ariel on the beach
Which board game calls for the player to press a lever at the back of a plastic animal to collect balls as fast as possible?
Hungry Hippos
What flightless bird is native to New Zealand?
A Kiwi is a flightless bird from New Zealand

Animal Trivia Questions Round 5
What is a baby Koala called?
A baby Koala is called a Joey
What type of animal is Shere Khan from the Disney movie The Jungle Book?
Shere Khan is a Bengal Tiger
What is the only bird that is able to fly backwards?
Hummingbirds are the only birds to be able to fly backwards
True or False – Dalmatian dogs are born with spots?
This is FALSE – Dalmatians are born with a white coat and spots appear a week after birth
What breed of dog was Toto in Wizard Of Oz?
Toto was a female Cairn Terrier

Animal Trivia Questions Round 6
Which is the largest land animal?
- Rhinoceros
- Elephant
- Giraffe
The elephant is the largest land animal
What colour are Flamingos when they are born?
Flamingos are grey when they are born
What is a group of Parrots called?
A group of Parrots is a pandemonium
What animal is this anagram? – Iced color
If you were eating Haggis, which animal would it be made from?
Haggis is made from Sheep hearts, liver and lungs

Animal Trivia Questions Round 7
In the popular cartoon series Looney Tunes, what animal is Pepe Le Pew?
A skunk
In Only Fools and Horses, Boycie and Marlene had a dog called what?
Boycie and Marlene’s dog was called Duke
True or False – Horses can sleep standing up?
This is TRUE
What is the house animal for Hufflepuff in Harry Potter?
A badger is the Hufflepuff house animal
You’ll find Blue Whales in all but one of the main oceans in the World. Which one?
Blue Whales are not found in the Arctic Ocean

Animal Trivia Questions Round 8
What animal is seen playing the drums to the Phil Collins pop song “In The Air Tonight” in the Cadburys chocolate advert?
A Gorilla
Which fictional animal lives at 32 Windsor Gardens in London?
In which Country will you find a Duck Billed Platypus?
A Duck Billed Platypus lives in Australia
Which male animal gives birth to their babies?
Male seahorses lay eggs and give birth to their babies
What’s the name of a female deer?
A female deer is called a Doe

Animal Trivia Questions Round 9
What four letter word animal has four stomachs?
A goat has four stomachs
What is the smallest mammal that can’t fly?
The smallest non flying mammal is a pygmy shrew
Multiple Choice – How many bones does a shark have?
- 100
- 0
- 1000
Sharks have no bones at all, instead they have cartilage
What animals are Shenzi, Banzai and Ed in Disney’s Lion King?
Shenzi, Banzai and Ed are Hyenas
What animal ate James’ parents in Roald Dahl’s James and the Giant Peach?
James’ parents were eaten by a rhinoceros

Animal Trivia Questions Round 10
What breed of dog is Cujo from the Stephen King novel of the same name?
Cujo is a Saint Bernard dog
What animal is Buttercup in Toy Story 3?
Buttercup is a Unicorn
What’s the name of the dog that featured in the 90s TV series Frasier?
Eddie was the name of the dog from Frasier
In what month of the year is World Turtle Day?
World Turtle Day is in May
Which direction do horses race in England?
Horses race counterclockwise in England